Published: 28/08/2024

BlueFloat Energy | Nadara Partnership has contracted First Marine Solutions (FMS) to provide engineering consultancy services for its ScotWind (Broadshore and Bellrock) and INTOG (Sinclair and Scaraben) floating offshore wind projects.

With a combined capacity of 2.3 GW, these ambitious developments represent a significant step towards Scotland’s net zero goals, while also creating opportunities for the local supply chain and investment.

FMS will provide expertise in mooring design, environmental impact assessment and technical feasibility studies. The Glasgow-based renewable energy consultancy, supported by specialists from Aberdeen, will inform BlueFloat Energy | Nadara’s consent application.

David Robertson, Portfolio Director, Scotland at BlueFloat Energy | Nadara Partnership, said: “Knowledge and skills transferred from the oil and gas industry will be key to advancing our floating wind ambitions in Scotland and we’re confident that FMS’s experience in both operational and conceptual designs will input greatly into our ScotWind and INTOG projects going forward.”

Tom McCombes, Head of Renewables at FMS, added, “This contract is a testament to our growing reputation as a leading provider of mooring solutions for the offshore wind sector. We look forward to working closely with BlueFloat Energy | Nadara Partnership to deliver these important projects.”

For more information contact Kenny Craig, Head of Communications, BlueFloat Energy | Nadara partnership, [email protected].

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